Skin disease

بِسْــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

Skin and apendicesnya are complex structures that make up the body's tissues are strong and tough. Its function can be affected by damage to the structure demikia also by disease. Since there are many diseases that affect the skin then only the most common are discussed here.Skin consists of two layers
epidermis or outer layer, and the dermis or true skin. There are also apendices the skin including hair and nails.EpidermisThe epidermis consists of epithelial cells undergo keratinization containing fatty material that makes skin

waterproof, so the body lotion will not give effect to the superficial kulit.Sel of this stratum kostan removed and replaced. Other cells containing an oily liquid. The third layer consisting of cells containing granules that can merefraksi light and help give white skin. The fourth layer contains the cells that produce melanin, a substance that acts as a protection against the effects of UV rays. The epidermis contains no blood vessels, but the lymph circulating in the intercellular space.DermisDermis composed of fibrous tissue is more dense in the superficial than the inside. Identified two layers: the first contains sensory nerve endings, blood vessels and limfatika, the second contains collagen fibers, elastic fibers, sebaceous glands, sudorifera glands, hair follicles and muscular arrektor pilli.HypodermicThis is a transitional zone between the skin and the underlying adipose tissue. Contains fat cells as well as connective tissue of white and yellow, the coil of a number of sebaceous glands and hair roots of a number.Provision of food substances or porium dermis depending on the veins and limfatika. Both nerves bermielin or not bermielin found in the skin that contains the end organs and many nerve fibers. This organ responds sensation of heat, cold, pain, itching, and a light touch.Sweat GlandsSweat glands consist of glomerolus or secretion and duct sections. In relative terms there is a rich supply of blood and sweat menskresi somewhat murky, almost odorless, contains nearly 99% water, and small amounts of chloride, urea, ammonia, uric acid and creatinine. Various types of sweat glands found in areas such as genetalia, anus, nipples and axillary and each also has a distinctive odor.