Installing Adobe Audition Version 3.0

بِسْــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

Follow these steps to install Adobe Audition on a computer
  • Enter Adobe Audition CD into the CD-ROM drive of the computer.
  • Perform the following steps:
            1. In Windows select Start> right click> Explore right-click and
                select the file Setup.exe on the CD Adobe Audition

    Figure 1. The location of the file Setup.exe Adobe Audition
 2. Click on the Setup.exe file to begin the installation.
3. Follow the instructions that appear on the screen, such as the
     shown by the pictures below, click next to continued on next process.
                                         Figure 2. choosing a Language

                                          Figure 3. Welcome to Adobe Audition
                                                       Figure 4. License Agreement

                                           Figure 5. Charging information
                                         Figure 6. Determining the Program Folder Location
                                                                                  Figure 7. Component Selection Adobe Audition
                                                       Figure 8. process intalasi
                                          Figure 9. Installation process is running
                                         Figure 10. The installation process has been completed

      ~GOOD LUCK!~