Scientific Method

بِسْــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

Hello bloger.. i want to share about the scientific Method that i learned since  i was X class

Understanding the Scientific MethodScientific method or scientific process is a process for obtaining scientific knowledge systematically based on physical evidence. Scientists make observations and form hypotheses in an attempt to explain natural phenomena. Predictions are made based on the hypothesis was tested by conducting experiments. If a hypothesis passes the test many times, this hypothesis may be a scientific theory.CharacterizationThe scientific method relies on a careful characterization of the subject of an investigation. In the process of characterization, scientists identified the relevant key held by the subject under study. Furthermore, this process can also involve the determination (definition) and observation; observation is often requires the measurement and / or calculations carefully. Measurement process can be done in a controlled place, such as a laboratory, or made to objects that can not be accessed or manipulated as stars or human populations. Measurement process often require specialized scientific instruments such as thermometers, spectroscope, or voltmeters, and the progress of a scientific field is usually closely associated with the discovery of such
equipment. The results of the scientific measurements are usually tabulated in the table, depicted in graphic form, or mapped, and processed with statistical calculations such as correlation and regression. Measurements in scientific work are also usually accompanied by estimates of the uncertainty of the measurement results. The uncertainty is often estimated by making repeated measurements of the quantity measuredStepstaken in the scientific method is as follows:1. Formulation of the problemThe formulation of the problem is the first step in doing scientific work. The problem is the difficulties that require completion or resolution. Research problems can be taken from the problems found in the environment around us, both inanimate objects and living beings. For example, when you are on the beach and watching the waves in the ocean. At that time, the question may arise in your mind, why the waves? Or, how do the wave?In order to formulate the problem properly, it is necessary to identify masalah.Agar problems can be examined closely, it should be limited. Restriction is necessary so that we can focus on completing our investigation.The things that must be considered in the formulation of the problem, among others, the following:a. The problem should be stated in sentence form Tanya.b. Formulation of the problem should be short, dense, clear and easy to understand. Formulation of the problem that is too long will be difficult to understand, and turn aside from the subject matter.c. Formulation of the problem should be an issue that may be found a solution. The problem why moving objects can be sought answers compared permasalahn whether sin can be measured.2. Formulation of hypothesesWhen we ask or formulating the research question, it is actually at the time the answer already in mind. That answer is still doubtful and temporary, but the answer can be used to lead us to find the real answer. The statement was formulated in response to a question while research called the research hypothesis. Research hypothesis can also be regarded as a response to allegations that while the problems before they be verified. Therefore, it is conjectural hypothesis that we make may be wrong. Ileh Therefore, we must carry out an experiment to test the correctness of the hypothesis that we have made3. Designing researchPrior to the first study research design should be prepared. The study design is about plans or things to do before, during and after the study is completed. Research methods, tools and materials needed in the study must also be prepared in the study design.The research we do can be a descriptive research and experimental research. A description of the research study gives a systematic, factual and accurate statement of the facts and the nature of the investigated object-carpenter. Examples of descriptive research, such as studies to determine the population of animals that live on the island of Komodo dragons in 2008.The experimental research is a study that used a comparison group. Examples of experimental studies, such as research on the differences in plant growth in places exposed to the sun with the growth of plants in a dark place.In addition to the study design, there are several other factors that should also be considered. The first factor is the variable of the study, while the second is the population and sample. Variables are factors that affect the outcome of the study. Population is a collection / set of all objects that will be observed when conducting research, while the sample is a subset of the population. In the study, the variables can be distinguished:a. The independent variable is the variable deliberate undergo treatment or deliberately altered and can define other variables (dependent variable)b. Dependent variable is the variable that changes with regular patterns (influenced by the independent variable)c. Variable control the variables used as controls and did not undergo treatment or not changed during the study.4. Implementation of the studystep by step implementation of the study are as follows:a. Preparation of research is usually manifested in designing the study. Tools, materials, space, time and data collection techniques should also be well prepared.b. Implementation1. Collection / retrieval of dataa) Qualitative data is data obtained from observations using the senses, like the sense of sight (eyes), olfactory (nasal), the sense of taste (tongue), auditory (ear), and the sense of touch (skin). An example is when we make observations mango qualitative data then we can get is the flavor of the fruit, skin color, and the flesh of the fruit, and fruit fragrance or scent.b) Qualitative data is data obtained from the measurements so that the data will be obtained in the form of numbers. Examples are data heavy mengnai mango, flesh thickness, diameter mangoes.2. Processing the data, after the data we need collected then the next stage is to perform processing or data analysis. The data we obtain can be written or we stated in several forms, such as tables, charts and diagrams.3. Draw conclusions, after processing the data through the analysis done then we can know whether the hypothesis we make in accordance with the results of the research or may not be appropriate. Then we can take kesimpilan of research that we have done. The conclusion that we derive from the results of this study support the hypothesis that we make, but the conclusions we draw should be able to answer the underlying research issues.5. Reporting researchSystematics preparation of research reportsa. Introduction, the introduction is the first part of the report contains the results of the research and implementation of the research background, problem statement, research objectives, the benefits of research and hypothesesb. The study of literature / studies theory, the study of the theory is the part that contains the results of the study conducted by researchers of the theory and the results of previous research related to the study.c. Research methods, containing everything done by researchers ranging from the preparation, execution and end of the study. Section contains the research methods of data collection techniques, data processing method or technique, population and sample, instrument, material, place and time of the study.d. Results and discussion of research, contains research data that were collected during the study. The data obtained are delivered in the form of graphs, charts, or diagrams.e. Conclusions and suggestions, contains conclusions generated a response terhadp hypothesis is verifiable. Advice from researchers to the other party, namely readers and for other researchers to conduct further studies.