Branched alkanes

بِسْــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

Simple branched alkanes often have a common name using a prefix to distinguish them from linear alkanes, for example n-pentane, isopentane, and neopentane.
IUPAC naming conventions can be used to produce a systematic name.
The key steps in the naming of more complicated branched alkanes are as follows:
  • Identify the longest continuous chain of carbon atoms
  • Name this longest root chain using standard naming rules
  • Name each side chain by changing the suffix of the name of the alkane from "-ane" to "-yl"
  • Number the root chain so that sum of the numbers assigned to each side group will be as low as possible
  • Number and name the side chains before the name of the root chain
  • If there are multiple side chains of the same type, use prefixes such as "di-" and "tri-" to indicate it as such, and number each one.
  • Add side chain names in alphabetical (disregarding "di-" etc. prefixes) order in front of the name of the root chain