Vocal technique makes singing easier, make our voice more clear and powerful, increasing stamina in singing, and most importantly, prevent damage to our vocal instrument is not sold everywhere these. Each teacher has their own method of teaching vocal technique. For me, one very important key about this is, if singing hurts, stop. There must be something wrong with something, whether it's your technique, or perhaps your vocal instrument is damaged. Next I made the cardinal rule is that before and when you sing, you must be in a relaxed state. Will optimize your breathing relaxed, and make sure there are no unnecessary muscle tension and wasted energy.
My advise to all the singers, so even if you have a career as a vocalist, you should keep looking for a vocal coach so that you are always reminded to regularly practice and strengthen the muscles of your vocal instrument, in order to improve your vocal performance and continue to improve your general health .
I dedicate this blog for lovers of the vocal. I'm happy to share. I myself is not a singer who has been excellent, but it's what I write about vocal technique has been proven to help me during my singing. Please select the category> vocals to read various articles that I have written.