Usage Used to and Be used to

بِسْــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

Functions Used to

Used to what we use here is not a form of Verbs 2 of Use, but a whole word that means "usually". In English usage the word adorn many conversations. "Used to do" different "to be used to doing" and "to get used to doing".
Used to do

We use "used to" for something that happened regularly in the past but it did not happen a long time.

     I used to smoke a packet a day but I stopped two years ago.
     (I used to smoke a pack a day, but I've stopped 2 years ago)
     Tom used to greet us but when he became a boss, he has never done it anymore.
     (Tom usually greet us but when he became a boss, he never greeted us again)
     I used to drive to work.
     (Before I usually drive to work)

To be used to doing

To explain the unusual situation or event (stating habit).

     I'm used to studying English by myself.
     (I'm used to learn English themselves)
     He is used to writing with his left hand.
     (He was used to writing with his left hand)
     We have been used to living in this extreme weather.
     (We are used to living in such an extreme cuaka)

Incoming search terms:

     use used to
     terms used to
     use and used to be used to
     meaning used to