بِسْــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

A citizen is defined as a person who lives in some place that is part of a population based on his position as someone who was in the area or the place itself becomes part of the state elements.Where elements of the country should include several factors, when met a of these factors then a place or region can be regarded as a country.These factors include the territory, the citizens, the leaders who lead in organizing the implementation and management of a country, and of course the country should receive recognition from other countries.In Chapter X of the 1945 Citizen article 26, paragraph 1, which states that "the citizens are people of other nations who passed the law as citizens." And article 26, paragraph 2 "Residents are Indonesian citizens or foreigners residing in Indonesia".Discusses briefly about rights as a citizen of Indonesia well, certainly to every person or citizens shall have full rights as citizens and absolute recognized as the country's population based on the elements above.

Every citizen has the same rights and obligations without exception. The equation must be fully respected in order to avoid any jealousy going on in society and have a negative impact that will arise in the future.Rights of every citizen are inalienable right by a good citizen who can advance a country with positive things.Rights should also be carried out in accordance with its laws in force in a country. Most ourselves or officials and even government officials have forgotten many of the 1945 Constitution as the basic law of the Republic of Indonesia.The rights of citizenship are:a. The right to protectionThis right is the absolute right, in which every citizen is obliged to receive any protection under any form of government so that a person feels comfortable, safe living and becoming a citizen is on a region or country are protected by law and government.Do not know the status or position of someone to get protection from the government, which surely every citizen should and must be the legal protection of any government protection.

b. The right to have a job and a decent livelihoodThis right is becoming increasingly distant and increasingly also forgotten by the government, but there is in the 1945 CHAPTER X On the Citizen article 27 paragraph 2 "Every citizen has the right to employment and decent living for humanity".That is already clear that this right does exist and is governed by laws, why rights are not realized as well? Factors tbsp kah? Or other factors on the grounds of funds and limited employment? Yet if we examine more deeply, Indonesia is a country rich in natural resources abundant, rich country, dubbed a mega city diver country and was widely recognized by other countries. But the reality, free from occupation but still occupied!Hhmm .. yah so sad our country, the rich richer the poor get poorer even suffer for poverty.Hopefully there is guidance from God for those who are up there as a regulator of state and government agencies are becoming increasingly aware and repentant return to the Constitution and do not forget the mandate and promise to the people. Ameen

c. Right to participate in the defense effortEvery citizen is entitled to participate and take an active role in the effort to defend his country, even though the word war is obligatory that every citizen must take an active role there, in order to achieve a strong state power and robust even lost their identity and self-esteem of the nation state.Article 27 paragraph 3 of Chapter X of the 1945 Constitution "Every citizen has the right and duty to participate in the defense of the country".
d. Freedom of religion, to choose education and citizenshipIt is clearly stated in chapter XA of Human Rights Article 28E Paragraph 1 "Everyone is free to embrace religion and to worship according to their religion, to choose education and the teaching of citizenship, residence chose to leave the country and region as well as the right to bac".And there are many other rights such as the right to distribute opinions, the right of association and assembly, the right to communicate and obtain information, the right to live in prosperity and so on.This is certainly the responsibility of myself and the government, especially in the effort to build a better country, promoting a country without any external parties to interfere in the administration of the state, in order to make the country a strong, united and can practice properly Pancasila as well can always recall the 1945 Constitution.