Majas metaphor similar to the figure of speech imagery. But the difference between metaphor and figure of speech figure of speech figure of speech metaphor is the metaphor does not use the word - words: like, like, like, like, like, like, is like, such as, etc.. Majas metaphor is a figure of speech that the comparison is done implicitly between 2 different things. Some linguists claim that metaphor is a figure of speech figure of speech comparisons carried out directly because it does not use the word comparison.
Majas metaphor is one part of the comparative figure of speech. The special feature of this metaphor is a figure of speech dai not find konungsi or conjunctions in sentences - sentences. It deals with the idea that metaphor is a figure of speech figure of speech direct comparison. - phrases metaphorical figure of speech is a lot we meet on literary texts such as poems, poetry, etc.
Here are some examples of figure of speech metaphor:
You are the light that always shone mentariku day - my day
King of the jungle roars loudly as a sign that he is the ruler of the forest
Thou hast reigned in my heart since the first time I saw your face
Flowers nation has fallen while defending our beloved country
Cars Avanza and Xenia has dominated the streets over the last few years
National football team has played with a pretty long fight with Brunei Darussalam
Goals created by Gonzales is the most beautiful goals I've ever seen
Sandra has closed his meetings - meetings to Reza who had betrayed her.
Behind the ferocious nature of Donni are very fragile form of heart
Della was a friend who was able to lock up tight - meetings in order to keep my life a secret that I never told him
From some examples of figure of speech metaphor sentences above, we can see that many kiaan language or sentences that can be used to express a thing in the form of wording which is considered more polite or it could be seen more dramatically. A literary work does require a language / phrases deemed capable of raising the actual meaning of the sentence so that it can add value to the work of literature itself