Criminal law, including in the realm of public law. Criminal law is the law that governs the relationship between the legal subject in terms of actions - actions that are required and prohibited by laws - laws and result in the application of sanctions in the form of criminal prosecution and / or fines for the offenders. In criminal law recognized two types of acts are crimes and violations. Evil deeds are not only contrary to regulations - regulations but also contrary to the moral values, religious values and sense of justice. Violators be sanctioned by criminal convictions, for example, stealing, murder, adultery, rape, and so on. While the breach is only act prohibited by legislation but that does not give effect to directly affect others, such as not
using a helmet, do not use a seat belt in the drive, and so on. In Indonesia, the criminal law in general in the Book of the Law of Criminal Law (Penal Code), which is a legacy of the Dutch colonial era, formerly Wetboek van Straafrecht (WvS). Code is lex generalis for setting the criminal law in Indonesia where the general principles and set forth the basis for all criminal provisions which set out the Criminal Code (lex specialis)